Gone are those days when men are the only ones who used to consider muscle growth. These days, some women are also interested in gaining muscles. Of course, it is not easy to maximize the female muscle growth.
Thus, you have to work hard and stay dedicated to your goal. Besides working out in gym, you need to stay focused on the foods you eat. We can recommend you some scientifically proven ways that can help you to grow muscles.
If you are a women who is trying to increase the muscle growth, then these ways will definitely help you. Gaining lean muscles doesn’t happen overnight. Hence, you need to stick to the plan to achieve the goal.
Ways To Maximize Growth Of Lean Muscles
1. A Proper Weight Training System
Gaining of lean muscles requires weight and resistance training consistently. You need a tailored workout program which will help you to gain muscles. We always recommend to hire a personal trainer for this.
The growth hormone is testosterone which has a significant impact on muscle growth. Since this hormone is present in very less amount in women body, weight training is important. Once someone goes for weight training then she can certainly develop good muscles despite of less amount of testosterone in the body and without weight training it is almost impossible to have desired amount of muscles.
Weight training can help to stimulate the growth of testosterone in women body. Hence, you will be able to gain more muscles. Some of the weight exercises for female muscle growth are:
Wide stance squat
Reverse barbell lunges
Biceps curl with barbell
Incline dumbbell press
These are some of the important exercises that can help you to gain lean muscles. Different workout target different parts of your bodies, such as arms, chest, back and legs.
2. Cut off Your Cardio
When you are focusing on growing muscles, you have to limit your cardio. It is better to stick to ligh and low-impact cardio. But do not eliminate completely as cardio helps to get your blood flowing to your muscles. Thus, your muscles receive oxygen which promotes muscle growth.
So, keep it light and focus more on lifting and weight training to increase muscle mass. The best way is to limit your cardio twice a week. Low impact cardio consists of:
- Brisk walk for 5 minutes
- Light jogging
- Running 1 kilometer on treadmill
Think about the body of long-distance runners. They are leaner than the sprinters who have a more muscular body.
3. Rest Day Is A Compulsory One
If you are following a heavy lifting and resistance workout program, then rest day is a must. Take your rest day very seriously. It is an important part for the growth of your muscles. Rest day is meant for giving your muscles an opportunity to recover.
Just like it is important to work your muscles heavily to grow, it is also important to be careful that you are not overdoing it. Some exercises hit a certain group muscles very hard. Thus, taking a day or two off each week is important.
-Plan your workout in a proper way giving two days a week rest
-Target each muscle group individually – Arms, Chest, Back, Legs and Abs
-Allot each day of the week for each of these 5 muscle group
-Take a day off before and after the leg day as it can be the most exhausting onek
4. Carbs Are Important
Though carbs are quite important for your muscle growth, make sure to take it on time. Eat more carbs during your breakfast. Also, take some carbs immediately after the workout in the half an hour anabolic window. This will help to maximize the muscle recovery.
Get some liquid carbs or protein powder to restock the glycogen immediately. This will restore your muscle recovery helping you to increase the growth of muscles. Here are some of the tips for carbs intake:
-Carbohydrate during your cardio session: During your cardio session, sip on some carbohydrate rich drinks. This will help to keep your calorie intake intact and replenish the glycogen. This will help your muscle to recover faster.
-Eat carbs in your breakfast: Start your day with carbs. Then the energy you store from that will be used during your workout session.

5. Eat More Protein
One of the most essential components for female muscle growth is protein. Don’t stray away from consuming protein. This can help you to get the maximum result. Protein contains 9 most essential amino acids.
Proteins are also called the building blocks of muscle tissues. It supplies essential materials that are needed for your hormones and neurotransmitters. It also safeguards against any muscle loss. It helps to gain more lean muscle and make you stronger.
- Eat high protein foods throughout the day
- Include foods like broccoli, salmon, yellow corn, black beans, chicken, eggs and oats in your diet
- Drink protein rich drinks immediately after your workout
Yellow corn contains 15.6 gram/cup of protein. Also, salmon is rich in Omega-3 fatty acid which is a great source of protein. Boiled broccolis also contain about 2.5 gram of protein in it. You must include all these in your everyday diet along with egg whites.

6. Sleep & Drink Enough Water
Besides gym and protein-rich diet, you must also get proper sleep and keep yourself hydrated. Both can do wonders for your body. After all the intense weight training you do in gym, you need some time to relax and rest. Also, you need to have enough water to keep your body hydrated.
-Drink plenty of water daily to keep your muscles saturated and stay hydrated. It is essential for your muscles to stay healthy and grow.
- Sleeping 7 to 8 hours each nigh is very important. Your muscles needs to relax for proper growth. The water and nutrients you ingest throughout the day will work during night. This will encourage more female muscle growth.

Thus, these are the 6 scientifically proven ways that can help in female muscle growth. You need to be very much dedicated and committed towards your workout regime and diet plan for achieving the goal. Set a realistic goal that you want to achieve and start today!